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Concert & Conversations Ep. 14 | The Art of Building: Harpsichord Design and Decoration

Concert & Conversations is a weekly series that brings Ars Lyrica artists from the stage into your home. Each week features a mini concert alongside personal...

Concert & Conversations is a weekly series that brings Ars Lyrica artists from the stage into your home. Each week features a mini concert alongside personal stories and insight recorded from the home of the featured artist.

The pinnacle of Keys to the Kingdom: A Celebration of Baroque Keyboard Music is a Concert & Conversations episode hosted by artistic director Matthew Dirst. In a demonstration and concert, John Phillips and Janine Johnson of John Phillips Harpsichords preview a new instrument being built and painted specifically for Matthew.

American harpsichordist Janine Johnson began her musical studies on the modern piano and started playing the harpsichord as a teenager. She majored piano performance and two dimensional art at California State University, Northridge and began building and decorating harpsichords in earnest at this time. Known for the intricate artwork with which she adorns world-class harpsichords, the multitalented Janine Johnson is also a gifted harpsichordist and pianist in her own right. Her style of playing is elegant yet extremely agile, and she has performed extensively in the Bay Area and beyond. Renowned harpsichord builder John Phillips and Johnson work on building and decorating harpsichords together in Berkeley, California.

Concert & Conversations will be aired on Ars Lyrica's Facebook and YouTube pages on Sunday, June 21 at 4 pm.