Dido and Aeneas: Single Event Replay Pass

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2122 Single Event Passes - Dido replay.png

Dido and Aeneas: Single Event Replay Pass


Dido and Aeneas
Digital Single Event Replay Pass

Universal stories often revolve around impossible choices between love and duty, hatred and desire, will and destiny. The consequences of such turning points are both beautiful and tragic in opera especially.

The 2021/22 Ars Lyrica season concludes with a new production of the first masterpiece of English opera. Henry Purcell, early modern England’s greatest musical dramatist, infused his chosen texts with both beauty and pathos. His Dido and Aeneas is a miracle of operatic economy, with lively dancing, memorable choruses, and at its center a noble heroine who loves too well: her demise is both tragic and transcendent.

Only one Single Event Pass per household is needed.

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