Welcome to the wonderful world of early music!
Whether it’s your first time at a classical music concert or you’re a seasoned pro who wants to expand their early music vocabulary, we've compiled information to help you see yourself at Ars Lyrica.
#ALHnewcomer #NewcomerQuestions
👠🎩 Dress code
For each of ALH’s concerts, we have a step-and-repeat background for official photos as well as a roaming photographer who will be taking candid photos during intermission and the VIP post-concert reception. Wear something comfortable that makes you feel confident inside and outside the concert hall.
Example of step-and-repeat photo
example of concert dress
Zilkha Hall is the smaller hall in The Hobby Center for the Performing Arts, located downtown in the Theater District at Bagby and Rusk.
There is a box office and will call table in the lobby, and for every ALH concert there will also be a PR table where you can purchase CDs and learn more about the organization, subscriptions, and special events.
The Grand Lobby Bistro offers full meals as well as snacks and drinks. You may bring your drinks into the concert hall as long as there is no ice in your cup!
The closest light rail stops are Main Street Square (line 700) and Theater District (lines 800 and 900).
Parking is $25 at the valet (Lexus drivers get free valet parking) and $15 at the Hobby Center Parking Garage.
The run time of ALH concerts is normally 1.5 to 2 hours with intermission. There is often a pre-concert discussion with special guests, and there is always a VIP post-concert reception for subscribers! Check each concert’s event page to see if there will be a pre-concert discussion.
Goya’s World
Who was Goya?
Francisco Goya was both a revered "Old Master" as well as a truly modern, ground-breaking artist. Goya was an astute observer of the world around him, and his art responded directly to the tumultuous events of his day. Whether it was painting royal portraits with inside jokes that mocked the monarchy or exploring the depths of his isolation and mental stress, no other artist in history expressed himself through such a diverse range of styles and mediums. Goya's influence extends to the 21st century, as contemporary artists have also drawn inspiration from the artist's grotesque imagery and searing social commentary.
What was the music like back then?
Spanish classical music was an amalgamation of styles from nearby North Africa, Roma (gypsy culture), Europe, and the country itself. Most of the music was not written down because of the extreme censorship and punishments (death) from the Inquisition. Because so little was written down, the music from this time has mostly been passed down aurally from generation to generation. It was the ultimate fusion style, and was based heavily on improvisation.
Why is it important?
The arts are the vehicle by which we communicate our thoughts and feelings on our current situation. Writing, painting, photography, music, and more: these are uniquely human expressions and they provide a legacy of information about our past. As Carl Sagan once famously put it, “you have to know the past to understand the present.” Join us for an interactive, multi-media experience to learn more about a time in history that has much in common with our lives today.
Check out our conversation with concertmaster Adam LaMotte and learn what the difference is between leading and playing in a section!
Listen below for a preview of the music and musicians!
Handel in Love
George Frederic Handel
Born in 1685 in Germany, Handel was a violinist, organist, harpsichordist, and composer. His travels to Italy provided an education in Italian operatic style, which was at the time very popular in Germany in England (and served to catapult him into the spotlight back in the north). He eventually settled in England and became a court composer for the royal family. Handel is most famous for his vocal works like his Messiah, with its instantly-recognizable Hallelujah chorus. Because of his prowess in writing vocal and dramatic works, we wanted to program an all-Handel concert that highlights his exciting, emotional vocal writing.
Concerto/concerto grosso
A piece of music usually written for a soloist, or a small group (that’s what grosso means), of instruments that is meant to show off virtuosity and skill, kind of like an aria for instruments. It’s usually in a three-moment format of fast-slow-fast, which allows the demonstration of both technical and musical prowess.
A long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio. While a recitative is about propelling the storyline with lots of text, an aria is about one or two thoughts and demonstrates the singer’s skill and virtuosity.
Plus, a pronunciation guide
Cecilia: Chi-CHEE-lee-uh
Cecilia, volgi un sguardo can be shortened to just Cecilia when you’re talking about it.
L’Allegro: La-LEG-roh
Similarly, L’Allegro, il Penseroso can be shortened to just L’Allegro.
Plus-Plus, Handel-themed #NewcomerQuestions!
Question: What's the big deal with Handel?
Question: What makes being a professional singer so hard?
Question: Is every singer a diva?
+ Essential early music vocabulary
- Early music: an umbrella term for music written from the Renaissance to the early Classical eras.
Baroque: an era of classical music that encompassed the years 1600-1750. During the Baroque period, there was a resurgence of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture and philosophy. Since one of the revitalized pillars of their culture was the idea that music served as a powerful tool of communication and could affect listeners' emotions intensely, Baroque composers started writing music with their Greek and Roman ancestors' philosophies in mind: their music displayed the power they had over their listeners' emotions.
When you come to an ALH concert, imagine you're listening to this music for the very first time 300 years ago. Free from the church, patrons of the arts (including a blossoming middle class that had never existed before) could now experience music in a way they had never heard. The sadness, joy, raucousness, and beauty of Baroque music was new, suprising, and intense. What an incredible experience! And it's one you get to re-live at every ALH concert you attend.
- Continuo: a group of instruments in the orchestra that provide the bass line for the rest of the ensemble. The use of a continuo was especially prominent in the Baroque era. In the two example photos, there are white arrows pointing to each member of the continuo. On the left, the members are harpsichord, bassoon, clavichord, cello, and bass. On the right, the members are harpsichord, cello, theorbo, viola, and bass. Everyone else is either a soloist or a part of the orchestra, not the continuo.
- Historically-informed performance: performance that takes into account sources including art, original manuscripts, treatises, costume, and instruments available at the time in order to recreate an authentic interpretation and experience.
- Period instrument: an instrument that was used in a historical time period.
+ Dancing at the Palais vocabulary
- Palais-Royal: A palace in France where the Duke of Orleans hosted court gatherings and extravagant parties for the French elite. He commissioned dozens of operas, ballets, and instrumental works and hosted performances of the premier musical compositions of the time (mid-1600s to early 1700s).
- Suite: a collection of musical pieces that can be played one after the other. Dance suites are made up of dance pieces like menuets, gavottes, and gigues.
- de rigueur: in style at a certain time.
- Baroque dance: Other than its obvious classification as dance in the Baroque era, Baroque dance was characterized by its grace and delicate style. Royals and elite members of society would learn and partake in dances at parties and gatherings as well as spectate during theatrical performances.
Our e-series #NewcomerQuestions answers the burning questions we have about the world of early music.
#Newcomerquestion: Why should I buy a ticket to “Dancing at the Palais”?
#NewcomerQuestion: Why is it important to listen to early music?
#NewcomerQuestion: What happens if I get bored during a concert?
#NewcomerQuestion: What is a period instrument?
#NewcomerQuestion: how can we perform music from operas without singers?